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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

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I wonder how long of a thread topic I can put here

16 years 4 months ago - 16 years 4 months ago #6 by bsteg
Gibberish is a generic term in English for talking that sounds like speech, but has no actual meaning. This meaning has also been extended to meaningless text or gobbledygook. The common theme in gibberish statements is a lack of literal sense, which can also be described as a presence of nonsense. In the realm of computers, the displaying or printing of binary (non-text) data due to a fault in hardware and/or software is called gibberish .

A family of language games in English are sometimes referred to as "Gibberish". Comedian Sid Caesar was noted for what he called "double-talk", an ability to speak varieties of nonsense syllables that sounded (to Americans) as if he was speaking various foreign languages.

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16 years 4 months ago #19 by SJ-BAZ-man
Not the longest, by a .... longshot !

Blah, blah blah. Lets see if this thread auto scubscribes and where my signature hangs if I don't hit a return at the end of this sentenc.

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16 years 4 months ago #23 by andyjbj
Awesome new Z Central

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16 years 4 months ago #24 by ULie
well, let's see...

this new ZCS looks great. THank you Brad and all who are helping for the great work.

:) :)

now I might try some gimmiks of the forum... :lol: :lol:

GreetingZ, HilZen,


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16 years 4 months ago - 16 years 4 months ago #25 by ULie
Hello Brad,

while testing this I might ask a few questions.

I uploaded two pictures to the forum. I like the option to edit the description of the picture, something I missed in the old forum. Besides the size in KB are there a recommended maximum size in pixel for a picture?

What is the meaning to have more then one filed to select a picture, under just one description?

Then I saw that you installed the diferent forums from the old ZCS. In the name of the German speaking forum a typing error occured:

Now it reads:

"Deutschspracheges Z Forum"

it should be (like in the old ZCS):

"Deutschsprachiges Z Forum"

and in those three words of the description of the forum:


the letter "o" should be replaced with either "ö" or if that isn't possible, with the "oe".

And finally (for now... :) ):

Is it possible to do the signature a wee bit more bold or darker?

This was edited into the post later:

Last test and question for now:

How long can a post be edited? I don't see a button for "Edit" for the post before this one. Or is changing my password for this forum the reason fot the loss of the button? I believe I posted first, then changed my password, and then posted this.

GreetingZ, HilZen,


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16 years 4 months ago #26 by Socalz44
Also Brad, I noticed that the title of Moderator is missing from Uwe's profile. Cheers, Jim CCRR PS Uwe, better picture!

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16 years 4 months ago - 16 years 4 months ago #29 by zcentral
ULie wrote:

Hello Brad,

while testing this I might ask a few questions.

I uploaded two pictures to the forum. I like the option to edit the description of the picture, something I missed in the old forum. Besides the size in KB are there a recommended maximum size in pixel for a picture?
:blink: We have not made a final decision on size yet, looking at 1mb

What is the meaning to have more then one filed to select a picture, under just one description?
:huh: yes, multiple uploads now allowed but must share the description

Then I saw that you installed the diferent forums from the old ZCS. In the name of the German speaking forum a typing error occured:

Now it reads:

"Deutschspracheges Z Forum"

it should be (like in the old ZCS):

"Deutschsprachiges Z Forum"
:blush: fixed

and in those three words of the description of the forum:


the letter "o" should be replaced with either "ö" or if that isn't possible, with the "oe".
:blush: fixed

And finally (for now... :) ):

Is it possible to do the signature a wee bit more bold or darker?
:( I don't think so

This was edited into the post later:

Last test and question for now:

How long can a post be edited? I don't see a button for "Edit" for the post before this one. Or is changing my password for this forum the reason fot the loss of the button? I believe I posted first, then changed my password, and then posted this.
:S ten minutes

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16 years 4 months ago - 16 years 4 months ago #30 by ULie
Hello Brad, Hello Jim,

thanks for the editing of the German forum description, and the answers to my questions.

Socalz44 wrote:

PS Uwe, better picture!

that wasn't hard to do.

The picture in the old ZCS avatar (and other places too) was made after four days of dancing Square Dance at the 50th National Convention in Anaheim, CA back in June 2001. I was a little bit tired when my wife made that picture...

The new avatar is from a picture made this year on the way home from our summer vacation. The folder I'm holding and the little sign over my left shoulder on the seatcover gives away that I was sitting in the Glacier Express waiting for the waiter to come and serve me a Grappa...

...about the Grappa: on my website you can find some more pictures from me, my family and our vacation. And at the bottom of the side is a video clip that shows how the Grappa is served...

Have fun...

About this message editor:

I like that a boardcode is placed at the place where the curser is at that moment, but I would be happier if the button for inserting links and pictures would work with an assistant just like in the old ZCS.

GreetingZ, HilZen,


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