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Countdown: NTS 2011 - Sacramento CA July 8-10 2011

14 years 6 months ago #9514 by SJ-BAZ-man
August, 2010 - We now have 8 months before Modular Layout applications must be in for the National Train Show. 8 months. For those you working on modules, please get them "show" ready AND show tested by then. We can't count on anyone building one after that and modules have to run well, especially those that elect to put turnouts on the mains and more importantly, grades.

By January 1, I hope to have all modules accounted for, from those that can make the show (or at least their modules), without ANY doubt. I have the ZoCal folks and of course us BAZ BoyZ. I'll need a commitment count from the Oregon and Washington (state) groups plus any of those mid-west, south, north or easterners planning, er, commiting to come.

No modules? Not a member of a group? How about bringing some BYOZ items. Table top displays are great, whether a loop-de-doo, diorama or some other way to incorporate Z.

For more info, see the site:

Also, there is a side NMRA convention, Extra X2011 being held from July 3-9, 2011. See the site: for more info on the layout and proto tours, museums, etc.

SF Bay Area Z Scale

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14 years 6 months ago #9515 by tealplanes
True, we have months to submit the application for the modules, but in reading the info on NTS site, they encourage early applications as space is at a premium and no guarantee of acceptance.

Time sure flies and it is a good thing for the 'last minute' or nothing would get accomplished:laugh:

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14 years 6 months ago #9516 by garthah
I know Mr Dave has his application in early and then you sit and wait for their decision on who they will accept. Typically application is in by February and acceptance comes in May June sometimes.

cheerz Garth

cheerz Garth

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14 years 6 months ago #9517 by SJ-BAZ-man
I've have already been in touch with Debbie Draper, prior to the this year's NTS. Just would like to put some meat into the app updates by showing the proposed layout, even though it will likely be split in two.


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14 years 3 months ago #10024 by SJ-BAZ-man
Nov 18, 2010. I have the NTS2011 Layout application packet in hand. First in. first accepted*
I need ALL modules planning to show in a data base NOW so I can draw up some example layouts NOW for submission.

There is 35,000 SF, divided into roughly Four 80x80 and two near half sizes. To ask for 80x80 isn't going to fly and neither is 40x40 for us. So I need to defend with the largest variations I can make. This is NOT the final layout, only window dressing for the application. I will submit 3 variations to fit "square", rectangle and L spaces (but not their E or H choices :)

Preliminary layout allocation plans will be sent out in April, 2011

I will post more info Friday on the show at the NTS2011 site:

SF Bay Area Z

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13 years 11 months ago #10469 by SJ-BAZ-man
Attention all Z Scalers. FIVE months until NTS !!! In approximately one month, NTS will inform us about our layout space. Then we can either accept what they give us (meaning less than I asked for) or fight to get back to some respectable level. THEN, I can work on sorta finalizing 2 layout options (plan A and B - and nothing is final until we setup as there are always obstacles, unplanned events etc.).

NOTE: I STILL have NOT received pictures of Jerry Craig's modules.

I have seen others and I know a lot of you, especially the ZoCal guys, are cranking out more modules. We VERY likely will NOT be able to fit them all in, HOWEVER, it will give us greater flexibility. Just make sure they have ABSOLUTELY been "show" tested which means you have actually run dozens of times across them and the wiring validated. We SERIOUSLY need at least another 4-way 'cross' or at least a Tee - (Don )

For DCC users, the BAZ BoyZ modules will be in the middle-ish and supply up to 5 Amps. However, mainlines are normally limited to 1-2 Amps (programmable) to avoid serious damage do to the inevitable unattended trains. There are several modules with turnouts so we should have some protection in case of any derailments in the turnouts, we don't take down 36' of mainline with other trains running on it. Dave Lancaster's End Module also has a 5 Amp Power Pro system that can be isolated into a Booster if needed but either way, he will absolutely need to isolate his module from the mainline and, provide 4 circuit breakers to protect the 2 mains and all the parallel tracks. We CANNOT have people putting trains on the active powered tracks and/or moving rolling stock or locos 'accidentally' onto the mains and taking down 78' of mainline !

This is going to be Soooooo much fun !

Jeff M
SF Bay Area Z

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13 years 9 months ago #10885 by SJ-BAZ-man
BoyZ, we have been ACCEPTED for 60x40 WHOPPING feet of space. I sure hope all of you that had modules and have new modules will be there to FILL that space. WE NEED MODULES ! LOTS of them ! And, lots of BYOZ. Anything. Jim Manley has 2 large Marklin Toporamas, many of us have Solar sets, etc. Dioramas, Scenery techniques, ANYTHING to put on tables and fill up 60x40 freakin feet of space. (A 2 car garage is ~20x20).

Joe D'Amato wonn't have the 12' linear layout, now only 4'

ZoCal has added some X and Tees so along with the BAZ X-T, we should be extremely flexible and dynamic in shape. We have enough Ends but need straights.

Now, the BIG problem is the Yard. If we want to make a yard, we need to supply it ourselves. MTL does not have anything to work with as that manufacturing was shut down and won't be back up until maybe May.

If we make a 6' yard (the straight part), 6 foot is ~ 8 of the 220mm sections of MTL straight track or, just under 3 sections of 660mm flex. Times 8 parallel tracks and it becomes 80 of the 220mm or 24 of the 660mm. So , 8-10 pkgs of the 220mm or 3 boxes of the 660mm flex (märklin or Peco SL-200).

Need 2 turnout per end. 8 pairs of track is 16 manual turnouts. Need much more than that. 30 or so. We have 12 so far (that makes only 5 yard tracks). Anyone have these amounts????

We can EASILY use the flex by laying down a solid cork bed to come up to the MTL height. Use long ripped strips of plastic or wood as spacers.

Jeff M
SF Bay Z

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13 years 9 months ago #10890 by soccrdad30
Jeff! First of all congratulations on being accepted and getting that much floor space, wow 60' x 40' area. After work today, I will go through my track, I think I can come up with maybe 3 or 4 (used) more turnout sets for you. I will email you later tonight with what I have. John

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13 years 9 months ago #10905 by SJ-BAZ-man

We are in Space 811 and a pretty big chuck, smack freakin dab in the middle.
MUCH bigger than the S and O scales ;)

Here are several links. For the Yahoo Groups NTS2011 site, you will need to register for the links but you can read the posts.

Floor plan: (2 links - one is NTS site but NOT updated - yet - and the long one is the Yahoo Groups Link)
(We are in the right vertical half of 840)\nsngtRwZYGLin8wb5QqwLUeAwrf-FbiRZRg/2011%20NTS/NTS%20Floor%20plan%20May%2010%2C%\202011.pdf
(actual space 811)

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13 years 9 months ago #10907 by tealplanes
Don't you mean 810? I see no 811.

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13 years 9 months ago #10909 by tealplanes
Never mind...I was looking at an old floor plan. Found it...yeah, right in the thick of things.

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13 years 9 months ago #10928 by bsteg
ooh ooh, four big corners right in the middle of the show! Perfect for old smokey!

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13 years 9 months ago #10932 by tealplanes
I well remember the crowds that your smokin Joe attracted at Anaheim back in 2008.
I think your belching mountain is super PR for attracts the masses like nothing else could.

But forget about getting a bigger % of the profit.....we all get an equal share :o)

Haven't seen you since 2008 so really looking forward to this show.

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13 years 9 months ago #10943 by bsteg
Its gonna be a lot of fun. I can't believe it's been three years gone now. :ohmy:

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13 years 8 months ago #10990 by SJ-BAZ-man
June 3: For any NTS Convention updates, the main site News section:

For the Train Show, use the RSS feeds (Really Simple Syndication - requires no software):

Facebook will have updates about individual events, sorta live, as people will post pix and text about certain elements of the clinics and show: (you do NOT have to register or download any software to view).

Twitter will have active Comments, Updates from individual's activities. Again, you do NOT have to register or download any software to view).

Twitter will likely be your best up-to-the-minute source. Most all PDA's and newer phones come with these Apps already installed.

4 more weeks !

SF Bay Area Z

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13 years 8 months ago #10992 by tealplanes
Only four more weeks? Yikes !!!!!!!! Everyone show up here and donate a week's worth of time. We need to clone ourselves. Again I say YIKES!

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13 years 8 months ago #10994 by Fred
less than 4 weeks and we can see all your secret projects!! Yippi Yippi

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13 years 8 months ago #10995 by tealplanes
who cares about secrets any more. I just need many hands to man the battle stations.
It's going to become a pressure pot before this thing is over. I'll blow any day now:o)

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13 years 8 months ago #10998 by Fred
Loren- You already have toomanytoes-now you want toomanyhands!!

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13 years 8 months ago #10999 by tealplanes
Yes Fred, I do want many more hands. Truthfully, I bet I could keep several of me busy all day long for several weeks.

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